Online Individual Therapy
in Florida, New York, & Indiana
Call it what you want, it’s getting the help you need, wherever you are, state-wide.
That’s a nifty option, especially if you’re a college student or new professional moving across the state between school and back home, or changing cities for a new job. Now, instead of leaving your counselor when you go, or EAP or college counseling center session limits interrupting your healing work—you can have consistency and an ongoing progress with an established counselor.
Maybe in your case, you just know that you’re going to be able to feel safe enough to talk about your toughest experiences when you’re in your own space, with your favorite stuffed animal to hold. Or you know you’ll feel stronger with your dog at your feet, or calmer with your cat in your lap. You can make the lighting just right, build a blanket nest, or fidget however you need to. Most importantly, you can be yourself in a way that can be hard to do in the outside world.
Or, maybe you just don’t have the time to travel to a counselor’s office, especially considering you might have to search a wider area for one who knows about the kinds of things that matter to you. You also get to avoid driving and parking (whew).
These are just a few of the reasons why people love online counseling sessions.
You might fear it will be hard to make a good connection with a counselor on a screen, but, if online counseling offers you anything like the benefits above, you might end up having a better connection virtually than in person. The other benefit of online therapy is you get to search a wider area for a counselor who clicks with you—and that can make all the difference.
To boost your confidence in this option even more: research demonstrates that telehealth counseling is as effective as in-person counseling for many common concerns, including PTSD. It can even have longer-lasting benefits (compared to face-to-face counseling) for situations like treating depression in college students!
I also want to reassure you that, in addition to being a Board Certified Telehealth Professional (BCTP-I), I have plenty of experience with distance counseling. Even pre-2020, I was having deep conversations with people who were located far away from me, helping them through the darkest parts of their lives—over just the phone. As far as I’m concerned, video is a bonus, so when you don’t want to be on-camera, we can even take a break from that.
There are also many fantastic ways to incorporate creative therapeutic approaches into video counseling, to make it a truly rich healing experience. There are some great technology options for powerful techniques like sandtray and collage. Other methods might involve whatever writing or art supplies you happen to have around. My whole goal is to make creative healing accessible to you.
Before you totally jump in, there are a few things to consider. Online counseling does involve being able to have a private space, all to yourself, during sessions (even just your parked car). If you need some ideas for how to get that, that’s something we can prep you for. You’ll also need a computer with a webcam, mic, and speakers—or smartphone—plus sufficient data or internet access to use the telehealth video platform. I can help you walk through those options and offer tips, if needed.
To learn more, check out my FAQ about online therapy. The free initial consultation can also address your questions and let you see how meeting online feels. I’m ready to help you feel heard and cared for through video counseling. Let’s create your healing space together, wherever you are!