Availability & Scheduling
Autism/ADHD assessment - next opening is in March, 2025.
To learn more or schedule, please email counseling@apathwaytoyou.com
Therapy openings - not currently available.
I keep my waitlist length limited to manage wait times.
You can submit your email address to be notified by email when I reopen the waitlist (no other emails/spam will be sent).
If you need to learn more before this step, visit my FAQ or reach out.
In the meantime, please try the following directories to help you find providers with current availability:
InclusiveTherapists.com (can search by lived experiences)
OpenPathCollective.org (low-fee)
Current clients
Please cancel and request session times in the client portal at APathwayToYou.clientsecure.me. Online scheduling allows selections 1 day to 2 weeks in advance.
NOTE: All times are Eastern time zone, Daylight Savings observed.
Upcoming out of office dates:
March 21-24, 2025